Circuit Breaker Safety

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What should I do if the area near my breaker panel is flooded?

Circuit Breaker Safety

If there is flood damage in the area where your breaker box is installed, it is very important to use caution if you must access your Westinghouse circuit breakers or the mains. The best policy is to call a qualified electrician, but if there is a safety issue that requires you to switch off your mains immediately, use the following precautions.

  • Do not stand in water while accessing your Westinghouse circuit breakers.
  • Access your breaker panel during daylight hours for maximum safety.
  • If you need a light source, use a battery-powered light, no gas-powered light sources or candles.
  • If you are blocked from accessing the panel by standing water, use a wooden pole to try to switch off your mains. Do not use a wooden pole with a metal attachment or fitting.
In most cases it's best to let an electrician handle these issues, but safety may demand you shut off the power immediately. Always remember that the presence of water near your Westinghouse circuit breakers seriously increases the danger of electrocution. Use extreme caution if you must access your breaker panel.



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