Floods And Your Circuit Breakers

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What should I do to protect my electrical system in case of a flood?

Floods And Your Circuit Breakers

If you are in a known flood plain and there is a threat of damage to your home, you may be able to prevent extensive damage to your electrical system by shutting off your Westinghouse circuit breakers and mains before evacuating the area. Even if you only expect minor damage, shut off the mains and breakers to avoid problems later on. In addition to turning off the Westinghouse circuit breakers, if there is time to unplug your appliances, it's advisable to do so. If you experience flood damage you may have hidden problems that won't manifest themselves until the power comes on again. Having your appliances unplugged may prevent them from being affected by those hidden faults once the Westinghouse circuit breakers are switched back on again.



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